
We here at WWN are looking into some advertising and have decided that we are user-oriented (the site changes bases on user's suggestions) so why shouldn't those users choose where we should pick members from? YOU control the people you'd like to join our news community! We have made some banners and have also posted the rough drafts of our current logo as well as, on this page, the coding for these! Copying and pasting the codes onto iGoogle, blogs, websites, etc will enable you to share them among friends, family, and other people who see this every day. 

We thank you for posting our coding on your website or blog. We are forever in your debt for the support and we will add your name or website name to our thank-you page for the supportive gesture of advertising us. Just comment below to join our "support group" list on that page.

Reliable Facts, Wacky Weird-but-trues.... <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

"Iced" Weekly Weird News graphic  <a href=""><img src="" width="600" height="76" alt="weekly weird news" /></a>
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